Boat Information
BoatID: 3312
Name: Pretty Lady
Builder: Bayliner
AskPrice: 47000
HullMaterial: Fiberglass
MakeModel: 3288
ColorTrim: White
LengthFeet: 32
LengthInches: 2
DraftFeet: 5
DraftInches: 4
BeamFeet: 11
BeamInches: 6
Year: 1991
HowStored: Harbor
  General and Interior
BerthingQty: 6
QueenBerthingQty: 1
VBerthing: Yes
ConvertibleDinette: Yes
HeadsQty: 1
HeadsType: Hand Pump
YValve: Yes
ShowersQty: 0
HoldingTanksGallons: 25
HotWaterGallons: 6
Stove: Yes
StereoSystem: Yes
StereoType: Jensen
Staterooms: 2
DieselFurnace: Yes
  Main Engine(s) and Propulsion
Quantity: 2
Model: Hino / WO4C-T
HP: 150 x 2
HoursStbdPort: S-2,900 P-2,900
Fuel: Diesel
TopSpeed: 18 kts
GallonsPerHour: 5 GPH slow cruise
CruiseSpeed: 12 kts
CruiseRPM: 2500
PropType: Bronze
PropBladesQty: 3
SteeringType: Hynautic
SteeringLocationFlybridge: Yes
SteeringLocationMainHelm: Yes
AnchorWinchBrand: Newer Motor
RodeChain: Yes
RodeChainLength: 150
RodeLine: Yes
RodeLineLength: 200
ShaftSize: 1.25
ShaftMaterial: Stainless Steal
BowThruster: 0
SternThruster: 0
GalvanicIsolator: 0
30Amp: Yes
BatteriesQty: 2- 12V
BatteriesHousebankQty: 6- 6V
BatteriesYear: 0
BatteryCharger: Yes
Inverter: Yes
InverterBrand: 2000 Watt
DepthSounderQty: 1
DepthSounderBrand: Interphase Advantage
GPSQty: 1
GPSBrand: Garmin
IntegratedSystemQty: 0
PlotterQty: 1
PlotterBrand: Garmin
RadarQty: 1
RadarBrand: Raytheon Pathfinder SL70
VHFQty: 1
FuelTankQty: 2
FuelTankGallons: 200
FuelTankMaterial: Aluminum
WaterTankQty: 1
WaterTankGallons: 75
WaterTankMaterial: Polyethelene
WasteTankQty: 1
LPGQty: 1
LPGGallons: 75
  Sailboat and Extras
Bimini Top
BilgePump: 0
Modified Squared Stern, which adds stability and ride comfort