Boat Information
BoatID: 3098
Name: Shearwater
Builder: Hoquiam Shipyard
AskPrice: 299,000
HullMaterial: Fiberglass
MakeModel: Pilot House Cruiser
ColorTrim: White/red
LengthFeet: 59
LengthInches: 1
DraftFeet: 8
DraftInches: 2
BeamFeet: 16
BeamInches: 4
Year: 1977/2013
Displacement: 38,000
DateBottomDone: 2022
NewZincs: Yes
HowStored: In water
CopyOfSurvey: Yes
SurveyDate: 2019
General and Interior
BerthingQty: 12
SingleBerthingQty: 6
DoubleBerthingQty: 2
QueenBerthingQty: 1
ConvertibleDinette: Yes
HeadsQty: 2
HeadsType: Dometic MasterFlush
ShowersQty: 2
HotWater: Yes
HotWaterGallons: 45
Stove: Yes
Oven: Yes
StoveBrand: Whirlpool Gold ceramic top
Refrig: Yes
GalleyCounter: Corian
WoodType: African Mahogany
PressureWater: H/C
IceMaker: Yes
Microwave: Yes
WetBar: Yes
StereoSystem: Yes
StereoType: 3 total Sony CDX-M20's
DeckSpeakers: Yes
DeckSpeakersType: 10 total
Staterooms: 2
TV: 3 total / Salon w/surround system and retractable into counter
ElectricRegister: Yes
Main Engine(s) and Propulsion
Quantity: 2
Model: Volvo TAMD120A
ReductionGear: Twin Disc MG510A
HP: 355
HoursStbdPort: 4680/2650
Fuel: Diesel
TopSpeed: 15-16 knts
CruiseSpeed: 10-12 knts
PropType: Bronze
PropBladesQty: 3
SteeringType: Wheel/Lever
SteeringLocationMainHelm: Yes
AnchorBrand: Lewmar
AnchorWeight: 110
AnchorWinchBrand: Nordic of Seattle
AnchorWinchType: Hydraulic
RodeChain: Yes
RodeChainSize: 3/8
RodeChainLength: 90'
RodeLine: Yes
RodeLineSize: 1"
RodeLineLength: 325'
ExhaustWet: Yes
ShaftSize: 2 1/4"
ShaftMaterial: Stainless
BowThruster: Electric Wesmar
SternThruster: 0
GalvanicIsolator: 0
GensetFuel: Diesel
GensetCooling: wet heat/exchanger
ShorePower: 120/240 V
50Amp: Yes
BatteriesQty: 4
BatteriesHousebankQty: 2 and 4 to thruster
BatteriesYear: 0
BatteryCharger: Yes
BatteryChargerBrand: Newmar and WM
Alternator: Yes
GensetMakeModel: 1/20KW Northern Lights 1/7.5KW Northern lights
AutoPilotQty: ComNav 2001
AutoPilotBrand: 1
DepthSounderQty: 1
DepthSounderBrand: NavNet
GPSQty: 1
GPSBrand: Furuno NavNet
IntegratedSystemQty: 1
IntegratedSystemBrand: NavNet
LoudHailerQty: 1
LoudHailerBrand: Furuno LH3000
PlotterQty: 1
PlotterBrand: Furuno NavNet
RadarQty: 2
RadarBrand: Furuno 1623 = NavNet
VHFQty: 2
VHFBrand: Icom
FuelTankQty: 4
FuelTankGallons: 1060
FuelTankMaterial: Aluminum
WaterTankQty: 1
WaterTankGallons: 270
WaterTankMaterial: Aluminum
WasteTankQty: 1
Sailboat and Extras
Davit: Nick Jackson Co
Dinghy: West Marine RIB 310 WMP1103TG405
LiferaftCapacity: 25 Person
LiferaftInspection: 2013??
Lifering: 2/Lifeslings
EPIRB: ACR Satelilite 406 Class 2
BilgeAlarm: Yes
BilgePump: 4 electric plus engine manifold type to each compartment
Tahatsu 4 stroke outboard for dinghy Model MFS9.8A3 Serial # 020150AA
Tahatsu 4 stroke outboard for dinghy Model MFS9.8A3 Serial # 020150AA